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There are three different ways to play jungle. First you can stay in it for the first 15 minutes of the game. This way you can get devourer stacks quickly and become sated to then help your team. Secondly you can only mainly go for your buffs then try to flank the enemy team and get your team ahead in the early stages of the game. The other option is to be in their jungle and steal all of their camps. Dragon and Rift Herald are very important to keep control of. If you find the enemy jungler is taking control of them, then ask your team for assistance with regaining control.

Runes & Masteries

All tank or physical damage junglers take attack speed in their runes. It is necessary because the camps have a lot of health and the jungle item gives a lot of on hit damage to monsters. Ability Power junglers rarely take attack speed but sometimes it is the right thing to do like if you are playing Elise or Diana. Other Ability Power junglers usually take scaling runes because they spend a lot of time in the jungle. They don't need the flat amount for early fights. Take runic blessing over biscuits.



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