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Adc is the role where you want to be trying your best to farm. You should not be reliant on kills because you wont always have a good support. In the case where your support is bad you need to be able to ignore them and keep yourself up. If they are good let them set up kills for you and once you can handle yourself let them roam and help the other lanes. Look for opprotunities when the enemy adc is about to kill a minion to get a free hit on them.

Runes & Masteries

For ADC you need to take attack speed quints. As an ADC you are building a lot of damage and crit chance. The attack speed increases your output and also helps with clearing the minions. Reds are going to be physical damage and the rest will be defensive. Masteries You can take Fervor of Battle over thunderlords because you are doing consistant damage rather than burst.


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